We're moving south to Florida...that happened fast!
As some of you know and others of you are finding out, over the past month or so we have been debating on moving to Florida for the winter and expanding Endless Media into the southeastern part of the United States. I am both happy and a little emotional to say that it is now official. We will be moving to Melbourne, Florida as of October 17, 2020.
NASA, Space X, Blue Horizon watch out we're moving in.

What's driving the move? Why, Melbourne? What are you going to do down there for business? These are the three questions I get asked the most. For my response, I have both general answers and deeper reasons.
There are a lot of things behind a decision this big. It's scary to pull up and move, there's a lot of unknown, and we're leaving people we care about. Arguably, it would be easier to stay right here and do what we know. However, this decision has come from a deeper desire to push ourselves, reach for new goals, and find out what's on the other side of a dream for new growth.
For Endless Media, fortunately, the digital age has allowed us some freedom in our working location. So while I will still be making trips north, we will be working to maintain our current clients and grow new ones in the southeast.
As for the location, I genuinely am a weak person the cold hurts my soft exterior and hollow bones, so like a bird, I must go south. In Melbourne we will be located between Orlando to our west (40-minutes) and Daytona to the north (40-minutes), both great markets to grow in. Also, NASA, Space X, and Blue Origin are literally next door and I am told you can hear the 'earth shake' as shuttles and rockets take off. I am kind of excited about that part. And will I do work for one of these giants someday? Time will tell.
Oh, and there is an ocean with surf, and that fun stuff to which I kind of like...
For our Detroit and Michigan based friends, we're going to miss you, but we'll be back around! If you are local or live near us, please stop by before we go or give a shout. We want to see and hear from you!
For everyone else, come visit us in Florida! We will be moving into our new place by November!
*IMPORTANT: We're renting our home, so if you know anyone that's looking to rent a great house in Rochester Hills, send them our way! Here's our place (link).
Thanks for reading!
Barry Walton