Do goals on paper actually help?
Four years ago, I started the journey of quitting my corporate job and starting my own company. That was a mission of personal freedom and dreams to be made. I wanted to be my own boss, work my own hours, and also I wanted to test my own potential as a director in a very competitive market. At that time, I built a projection of growth sheet that included plans for moving into an office in the third year of my business. This week, I moved into an office and it was both extremely rewarding and emotional as well (just starting out in the basement video here).

The practice, of projecting your future, on paper, seems a little strange when you do it. There is no physical representation of your goals other than the words you write. And for all you know, while doing it, you are probably going to fall flat on your face and go crawling back to the safety of the corporate paycheck in 6-months. All that aside, the process does help cement a future objective, and slowly but surely you weather storms, overcome hurdles, and take on hurricanes, like COVID. At some level, you do it all in hopes that those words on paper become reality.
This year, one of those goals was to get an office space. Doing so meant pushing myself into a new area of growth. I had to leave the comfort of working at home and spend money that I didn't want to spend. Still, however, that goal on paper was there and it was time to take another risk and do it. So, I hired an agent and went out looking. On one occasion, while out for coffee, I spotted a very cool building in an art district called Eau Gallie near Melbourne, Florida and I liked it a lot. The building was a yellow two-story historical landmark, built-in 1926, and called the Ginter Building. To this point, everything about the building and the area spoke to me. Standing out front, I thought to myself, that would the ideal office space. It was a cool-looking building in an attractive area of Melbourne. There were art galleries, photographer studios, and fun little sandwich shops. I imagined it'd be a great place to work and then I moved on.

Reality being stranger than fiction, two weeks later, my agent sent me a photo of a small one-room studio in that very building. For those who know me, you know I do not believe in coincidence. I have watched time and time again in life to see doors opened to jobs where there were no doors, funds arrive where there were no funds, and now, an office open space where one was none available. This was just another one of those moments. I quickly set up a walk-through and a week later signed a lease. Now, all moved in, I am pretty excited. I did have to leave behind the little cave that I'd built at home and accept a change in my routine. However, I also reached a new goal and am now thinking about what is next. That's the cool thing about tackling a goal, when you do it, you start to focus on the next one. **Are you in Brevard County (Cocoa Beach or Melbourne)? Then come visit. Your first coffee is on me!